In short: “Touch and Hold the app icon: everything gets shaky; Touch the ‘X’ and confirm Delete” – that’s all about completely erasing an application in iOS. Also, learn how to move icons around, move icons between different screens and how to group apps together in folders… All in less than 2 minutes!
This is a great tutorial for iOS newcomers – I hope you enjoy!
- “I want to completely delete, uninstall the App, not just remove its icon”
When you delete the ‘icon’, as shown in the video, you are REALLY deleting the App. iOS is different from Windows (where icons in the desktop were only shortcuts). In the iPhone/iPad/iPodTouch, when you delete the ‘icon’ you are actually uninstalling/erasing the App from your device – and all the associated data. Also, ‘data’ (like: documents or photos) created inside that app are also erased (unless there is a ‘server/cloud’ feature the developer explicitly provides to keep them for you). - “I want to delete EVERYTHING about that App, including data”
When you delete an App, all its local data is deleted with it. If a game uses “Game Center”, you will be asked if game center information should be removed as well or not. About iCloud: remember that the whole idea of iCloud is being able to share data between all your devices – you might want to delete an App from your iPhone, but continue using that app on the iPad, along with the content you created before. Anyway, on the Settings App → iCloud → Storage and Backup → Manage Storage you can see how much space each app is using on iCloud, and even delete it if you want. - “I don’t want some deleted apps to apear in the ‘Purchased’ section!!”
You can hide individual purchased items – but you’ll need to use iTunes in the computer: - “Everybody knows it!”
Well, no. Erasing/moving/grouping/recovering apps are very basic operations – but I noticed lots of newcomers to iOS not knowing how to do those things – and we frequently receive requests from our apps’ users about it.
iPad User Guide: Arrange your Apps:
iPhone User Guide: Organize with Folders:
Pro iOS users: I bet you have people who ask for your help on such things, please share the video with them!
Blogs, bloggers, vloggers, website owners: you are more than welcome to share the link to this video or embed it on your site. It helps me more than you can imagine! Thank you!
Just a glimpse of the ‘big awesome studio’ where I shoot my videos, ha ha. It is either filming or relax watching TV – with a few hours of sweat in between assembling/disassembling equipment:

PS: I recently stopped filming my videos the living room… I am now shooting on the same table where I work with my iMac.